Saturday, December 22, 2012

Holiday Crafting

I have done some "holiday crafting" over the last couple of weeks, so I wanted to share.... :)

Christmas cards.  I already mentioned these in a previous post, but here is the finished product.  I was very excited about them!  
Front of card
Inside of card
At Andy's grandmother's house, we buy stocking stuffers for everyone.  This year Andy came up with the idea of making the "recipe in a jar" mixes for everyone.  I found the recipes and did the crafting.  It was Andy's idea to use the Shiner Bock beer labels for the guys' gifts.  The girls got a cookie recipe and the guys got a beer bread recipe.  They were a huge hit!

Andy's mom decided to do something similar for her gifts for the neighbors.  I made the tags for her jars.  I thought they turned out quite nicely as well.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the cute card! Sorry we missed everyone on Christmas Eve!
