Saturday, June 1, 2013

Last Day at Tarkington

Today was our last day at Tarkington.  We got all ten of my boxes loaded in my car.  I cried.  Andy stayed strong.  We are so excited to be moving on to greater and better things, but we really are going to miss our colleagues.  The people we have worked with for the last five to seven years.  The people that truly care about us and our well-being.  It's going to be very different to not know everyone we work with.  It's going to be different to not know pretty much every student in the school.  Andy doesn't really get nervous or scared, but I on the other hand am very scared and nervous.  I probably make up for the both of us.

To Tamara, Coach Mac, Tim, Kelly, Tom, Renee, Coach Tooley, Coach Sladek, Donna, Susie, Jessiene, Shelley, Ms. Chesson, Robin, Mrs. Gilbert, Denise, Coach Larned, Mrs. Mills, Heather, Sue, Dorothy, Mrs. Judy...

     Thank you.  You have touched our lives during our tenure with THS, and we could never replace you.  You hold a special place in our heart, and we will miss you greatly.  You have invested your time and energy into both of us, and we have learned something from each one of you.  Your dedication to the students and staff at Tarkington High School is above and beyond.  We admire each one of you, and thank you for your support throughout the years.  We wish you the best and know that we will never forget you.

My room all packed up minus a few things.
Andy and I before Graduation
Kelly and I
She's the first teacher I teamed with in Algebra 1.
Tamara and I
She's the teacher I have been working
with in Algebra 1 for the past two years.
She is an amazing teacher and an
inspiration to me.  Teaching without
her will not be the same.
Some of the teachers we have worked with over the years.
Andy's collection of trophies from his success as a
cross country, basketball, and golf coach at THS.

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