Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas is here!

We finally have our tree up for Christmas!  You have no idea how long I've been waiting for it to finally feel like Christmas at my house.  I usually put the tree up and decorate for Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving, but we decided to take a trip to San Marcos this year instead.  Then between Andy's crazy basketball schedule and my new responsibilities at work, our evenings have been overly busy with very little time actually spent at our home.  Last week Monday through Wednesday, Andy wasn't home before 9:00pm.  Ugh!  It's been so weird how very little he's been home here lately.  I don't like it, but I know it's only temporary and not for the rest of the school year.  On my side of the job spectrum, I was asked by our associate principal to take over the team lead for Algebra 1.  So, my job duties have almost doubled in the last two weeks.  And maybe not truly doubled... I just have more weighing on my shoulders, like 8 other algebra teachers for example.

But anyway, back to the real topic of this post... Christmas!  We will spend very little time at our house during the Christmas holidays.  Pretty much just Christmas morning.  Saturday we leave for my mom's to celebrate Christmas with her.  Andy will head back Saturday night and go Christmas at his grandma's on Sunday.  I will probably stay with my mom so that I can spend more time with her and my step-dad.  For Christmas Eve, Andy will drive back to Shiner so that we can celebrate Christmas at my Granny and Popo's house, and we will drive back to our house that night so we can have our own Christmas on Christmas morning.  After we have our Christmas, we'll head to Tarkington to spend Christmas with Andy's parents, and we will probably end up spending a couple of nights there.  Andy has a basketball tournament the weekend after Christmas, so our "break" from school will pretty much be over then but at least we won't have to physically be at work all day.

We decided to not put up all of our decorations since we won't be home much over the holidays, but we put up the important stuff - nativity, tree, and stockings.  I really love Christmas time, and so does Andy!

I can't wait to have all the pieces!!  Love this Nativity set!

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