Saturday, March 1, 2014

14 Days of I Love You

Andy and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day.  Seriously.  We don't even buy a card for each other.  Maybe one year we'll decide to go all out, but right now we are content with loving each other and surprising each other throughout the year.

With that being said, I actually did something this year for Andy for Valentine's Day.  It was not actually planned originally for Valentines, but that's when it happened to work out.  For Christmas, I was going to do "12 Days of Why I Love You," but with basketball season and his dad's cancer it was just tough for me to get anything done.  We had a couple of unplanned days off from school due to the cold/icy weather so I decided to do "14 Days of I Love You" since Valentines was coming up.  Trust me, I am not creative enough to come up with this idea on my own because I totally got it from Pinterest.  However, everything I made was my own creation.  I made 10 gift tags and 4 cards that had quotes, sayings, Bible verses or song lyrics on them.  Each day Andy got a gift tag or card with a little treat - candy, Planters mixed nuts, etc.  I know he loved each one of them.

Our marriage has been kind of rocky (for lack of a better word) for the past 2-3 years.  We absolutely love each other without a doubt.  There aren't "problems" in our marriage at all.  Our love has just been tested and stretched.  His dad was diagnosed with cancer, we've been trying to get pregnant with no success, we moved our entire life to a new city, and so on.  These kinds of the things will just really test your marriage.  I just wanted Andy to know that even though our life has been turned upside down in more ways than one that I still love him through it all.  I think he got the message. :)

1 comment:

  1. That is a very sweet thing to do! I wish you the best on starting y'alls family. I know the journey, we are somewhat still on it. Some days are easier than others. Eventually my friends will stop having kids and it won't bother me as much. :-) Love ready your blog!
