Saturday, March 8, 2014

Icicles... in March?

Andy and I took off of work this past Monday.  I had a workshop to attend in the morning and just decided to take the afternoon off as well.  The weather in Texas is ever-changing and in the same day most of the time.  On Sunday, we literally went into one store for about an hour or so and came back outside and the temperature had dropped not a few degrees but like 20 or 30 degrees!!  Monday was even colder.  It was that cold that seriously "bites" your skin.  It hurt to be outside because of how cold it was. 

Monday evening the news was talking about these winter weather advisories and warnings again.  The last time we did this we missed two days of school.  We set our alarms for our normal 5:00am on Tuesday morning and checked the school website to make sure we still had a regular day ahead of us.  Since we were on normal working hours, we assumed the weather did not get as bad as the weatherman predicted.  Little did we know that our vehicles were going to be frozen shut and it was going to take over 15 minutes to get the ice off our windshields.  There was ice everywhere!!  The icicles on my side mirrors were strong enough to hold on throughout my drive to work that morning.  There were tree limbs down because the ice in the trees broke the branches.  We had power lines down due the small storm that blew through the night before.  One of the high schools was operating on generators for their power.  The lights flickered several times at my school but never officially went out.  Some neighborhoods were without power as well.

So, here's what baffles my little brain.  It was March 4th and the temperature was 32 degrees in southeast TEXAS.  And not just any 32 degrees, but 32 degrees with ice!  And not just any state, but Texas and southeast Texas of all places.  I understand some people love this type of weather.  I, on the other hand, do not want ice and rain and cold weather in March.  Looking at the weather forecast for Spring Break, it's not going to get much sunnier.  I guess the good news is I have more winter weather type of clothing than I've ever had in my life.

It was too cold to take more than one picture, but here are the icicles in our tree.  It was seriously like driving through a winter wonderland on the way to work.  It felt like it should be Christmas, not one week away from spring break.
Picture of Andy's truck with icicles.

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